The Young & The Restless (writer/performer "Landed") (Season 44/Episode 226) (CBS)
A Heavenly Christmas (writer: Christmas Eve) (Hallmark Channel)
Dance Moms (performer/writer: “Begin Again" & "Purple Pride”) (Lifetime)
America's Funniest Home Videos (performer/writer: “You're A Star”) (ABC)
The Affair (performer/writer: “I’m On My Way”) (Showtime)
99 Homes (performer/writer: “Brother”)
Kidnapping Mr. Heineken (performer/writer: "You Are The Light")
Tech Toys 360 (performer/composer) (Discovery Velocity)
Beacon Hill (performer/writer: Theme song "Black Snow”) (Web Series)
Bad Parents (performer/writer: "Let's Go")
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (performer/writer: "Another Sunny Day")
Venus & Vegas (performer/writer: "Where Ya Goin'")
Justified (TV Series) (performer/writer) - 1 episode,
- Fire in the Hole ... (performer/writer: "Brass Swamp Blues" - uncredited)
90210 (TV Series) (1 episode)
- A Trip to the Moon... ("Surf Me", uncredited)
Bring It On: Fight to the Finish (Video) (writer: "Pull You In")
The Perfect Holiday (arranger: "Jingle Bells")
Home of the Giants (performer/writer: "All The Way", "Seventeen")
The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It (Video)
(performer/writer: "October 31st")
Killing Zelda Sparks (performer/writer: "Shoebox Blues")
Illegal Aliens (performer: "Shelly")
Friday Night Lights (TV Series) (performer/writer - 1 episode)
- Blinders (2007) ... (performer/writer: "Where I Begin" - uncredited)
Man in the Chair (writer: "Come Back Home")
Material Girls (writer: "Ready To Go")
One Tree Hill (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode)
- When It Isn't Like It Should Be ... (performer: "Not What I Wanted" - uncredited)
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (Documentary) (performer/(writer: "Charlotte's Lament")
Cloud 9 (performer: "Living Life")
Love Wrecked (performer/writer: "Go Go")
Everything You Want (TV Movie) (writer: "Satisfied")
Window Theory (performer/writer: "Go Go")
Stateside (performer/writer: "Not What I Wanted")
My Boss's Daughter (performer/writer: "Not What I Wanted")
Sex and the City (TV Series) (performer - 2 episodes)
- Hop, Skip, and a Week ... (writer/performer“The World Is Beautiful" - uncredited)
- Change of a Dress … (writer/performer: "Eigth Avenue Shuffle")
Mind Games (performer/writer: "Peak", "Caller 10")
Alias (TV Series) (performer/writer - 1 episode)
- A Free Agent ... (performer/writer: "I Can't Forget")
Now You Know (writer/performer: "Livin', Lovin”, "Poets and Priests", "After This")
In America (writer/performer: "Arrow from My Heart"
Try Seventeen (performer/writer: "Ticking Away", "Not What I Wanted")
Triggermen (performer: "Shoebox Blues")
Scooby-Doo (performer/producer/writer: "Take the World”)
Smallville (TV Series) (performer/writer)
-Drone (2002) ... (performer/writer: "Not What I Wanted" - uncredited)
Going Back (performer: "Some Love")
Home Sweet Hoboken (writer: "Arrow From My Heart")
Roswell (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode)
- Significant Others ... (performer: "Not What I Wanted")
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (Video) (performer/writer: "Shoebox Blues")
Undergrads (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode)
- Financial Aid (2001) ... (performer: "A to Z")
Rave (performer/writer: "Shoebox Blues")
Python (TV Movie) ("Clean")
Two Ninas (writer: "Help Myself", "What You Do")
(performer: "A Day", "Shoebox Blues", "Where I Begin")
Lovelife (writer: "Livin', Lovin'" - as E. Olson) / (writer: "Talk About Love", "You")
You're Not Built That Way (Short) (performer/writer: "Burn Me Down")
Past Productions